Producción | Haras Vacación


Ejemplar (Padrillo)

Abuelo Materno

1 Albani (Roman Ruler) mt 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Acertable Equalize
2 Aline Masson (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Sequins Luhuk
3 Aridza (Shuttle Diplomacy) hm 09 ARGarg Shuttle Diplomacy (Seeking the Gold) Achaparrada Johnny's Prospect
4 Asina (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Aziris Interprete
5 Balmer (Put it Back) mt 09 ARGarg Put it Back (Honour and Glory) Blue Fire Lady Lode
6 Balochi (Roman Ruler) ma 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Buya Talk Confidential Talk
7 Bandinelli (Manipulator) mz 09 ARGarg Manipulator (Unbridled) Bakshis Southern Halo
8 Barahona (Southern Halo) hz 09 ARGarg Southern Halo (Halo) Becaria Roy
9 Barraque (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Brightly Dancer Dance Brightly
10 Beauty Mission (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Beauty Melody O'Martin
11 Bisenzio (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Bombona Roy
12 Blanqueria (Not For Sale) hm 09 ARGarg Not For Sale (Parade Marshal) Ballado Melody Saint Ballado
13 Borselina (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Balumosa Kitwood
14 Borselli (Roman Ruler) ma 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Baronesita Political Ambition
15 Brilliant Magic (Fairy Magic) ha 09 ARGarg Fairy Magic (Southern Halo) Brilliantly Major Gundry
16 Broken Rain (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Broken Cloud Zafonic
17 Caldine (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Comodora Confidential Talk
18 Casalina (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Cretina Roy
19 Casinina (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Cumbrecita Luhuk
20 Cell Phone (Not For Sale) ma 09 ARGarg Not For Sale (Parade Marshal) Cheddar Numerous
21 Chroma (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Calmada Roy Roy
22 Corsalone (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Calorica Ahmad
23 Crazy Babe (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Crazy Champ Ski Champ
24 Cruzzina (Southern Halo) hz 09 ARGarg Southern Halo (Halo) Casmira Confidential Talk
25 Damascius (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Difamadora Southern Halo
26 Damaskino (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Double Play Pepenador
27 Danvers (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Double Lady Roy
28 Dardanelle (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Defensora Roy
29 Dardanello (Shuttle Diplomacy) mm 09 ARGarg Shuttle Diplomacy (Seeking the Gold) Damy Confidential Talk
30 Darfus (Shuttle Diplomacy) ma 09 ARGarg Shuttle Diplomacy (Seeking the Gold) Druida Southern Halo
31 Day For Sale (Not For Sale) hz 09 ARGarg Not For Sale (Parade Marshal) Disipadora Roy
32 Day Lily (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Diversa Kitwood
33 De Amicis (Lasting Approval) m 09 ARGarg Lasting Approval (With Approval) Dogana Confidential Talk
34 Decurio (Roman Ruler) ma 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Dama Juana Candy Stripes
35 Della Flor (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Del Fiore Cipayo
36 Diacceto (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Doña Inter Interprete
37 Egidio (Roman Ruler) ma 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Escolada Kitwood
38 El Chamame (Shuttle Diplomacy) ma 09 ARGarg Shuttle Diplomacy (Seeking the Gold) Escola Linda Confidential Talk
39 El Orfebre (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Lilimona Louis Quatorze
40 Electro Jet (Johannesburg) mz 09 ARGarg Johannesburg (Hennessy) Eivissa Jet Victory Speech
41 Emmanuel (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Emisaria Roy
42 Ercolano (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Early Kit Kitwood
43 Escort Lady (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Escoda Roy
44 Etopeya (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Emotiva Confidential Talk
45 Every Sale (Not For Sale) ma 09 ARGarg Not For Sale (Parade Marshal) Ebria Roy
46 Ezekiel (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Edilicia Roy
47 Fairy Lady (Fairy Magic) hz 09 ARGarg Fairy Magic (Southern Halo) Campante Fitz Fitzcarraldo
48 Faudra (Put it Back) ha 09 ARGarg Put it Back (Honour and Glory) For Luck Theatrical
49 Febrery (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Febrera Roy
50 Ferroso (Lasting Approval) mt 09 ARGarg Lasting Approval (With Approval) Forty Mairesse Roar
51 Forchetta (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Fasting I Am The Game
52 Fragotero (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Figara Kitwood
53 Fresciana (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Fashion Filly Louis Quatorze
54 Frescure (Shuttle Diplomacy) ha 09 ARGarg Shuttle Diplomacy (Seeking the Gold) Fundada Mariache ll
55 Gaugin (Southern Halo) mz 09 ARGarg Southern Halo (Halo) Granny's Parade Parade Marshal
56 Ghibellina (Roman Ruler) ha 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Ganga Salt Lake
57 Gin For You (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Gin For Jeyci Go for Gin
58 Grandes Clasicos (Roman Ruler) ma 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Blades Tempranero
59 Green Cause (Giant's Causeway) ha 09 ARGarg Giant's Causeway (Storm Cat) Green Candy Candy Stripes
60 Guapera (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Guapaza Mutakddim
61 Hermetique (Roman Ruler) mat 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Hello Beauty Luhuk
62 Hidden Smile (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Heavenly Smile Smile
63 Idocrase (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Inyectable Interprete
64 Igara (Alrassaam) hz 09 ARGarg Alrassaam (Zafonic) Icily Geiger Counter
65 Iliado (Roman Ruler) ma 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Interdite Confidential Talk
66 Ilirian (Fairy Magic) mz 09 ARGarg Fairy Magic (Southern Halo) Igualada Kitwood
67 Illuminati (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Inimaginaria Parade Marshal
68 Impassible (Alrassaam) ha 09 ARGarg Alrassaam (Zafonic) Isiga Roy
69 Incombenza (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Imagination Southern Halo
70 Inter Roman (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Inter Passion Interprete
71 Invocare (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Indonesia Confidential Talk
72 Ippica (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Indian Willow Mr. Greeley
73 Irenea (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Indonesa Roy
74 Ispide (Shuttle Diplomacy) ma 09 ARGarg Shuttle Diplomacy (Seeking the Gold) Insole Kitwood
75 Itan De Hui (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) In You Interprete
76 Kali Woman (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Kali Marshal Parade Marshal
77 La Hilandera (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Piazetta Mutakddim
78 La Pericholie (Shuttle Diplomacy) ha 09 ARGarg Shuttle Diplomacy (Seeking the Gold) Lerna Confidential Talk
79 La Visitacion (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) La Leocadia Louis Quatorze
80 Ladronero (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Liguresa Salt Lake
81 Lamasapta (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) La Aristocrata Equalize
82 Landy Boy (Lasting Approval) mm 09 ARGarg Lasting Approval (With Approval) Landy Lady Roy
83 Laterano (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) La Thibon Potrillazo
84 Laurelia (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) La Noblesse Louis Quatorze
85 Laurelio (Roman Ruler) ma 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) La Milonguera Roy
86 Lavandula II (Alrassaam) hc 09 ARGarg Alrassaam (Zafonic) Linda Lake Salt Lake
87 Le Magic (Fairy Magic) ma 09 ARGarg Fairy Magic (Southern Halo) La Gente Slew Gin Fizz
88 Leggerezza (Roman Ruler) ha 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) La Mejilla Kitwood
89 Leoneso (Roman Ruler) ma 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) La Piradita Salt Lake
90 Libana (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Libanesa Confidential Talk
91 Ligonier (Vision And Verse) mm 09 ARGarg Vision And Verse (Storm Cat) Lovely Linda Parade Marshal
92 Liguori (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) La Zapa Slew Gin Fizz
93 Limbus (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) La Balada Confidential Talk
94 Lindau (Lasting Approval) ht 09 ARGarg Lasting Approval (With Approval) La Boina Vasca El Sembrador
95 Linotype (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Liguilla Shy Tom
96 Lipgloss (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) La Malcriada Roy
97 Lithium (Roman Ruler) ma 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) La EnseÑanza Kitwood
98 Loluchi (Easing Along) hz 09 ARGarg Easing Along (Storm Cat) Tough Dancer Tough Critic
99 Magic Shade (Fairy Magic) mzt 09 ARGarg Fairy Magic (Southern Halo) Shade Wells Poliglote
100 Magnesiana (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Mircea Fitzcarraldo
101 Maja De Balcon (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Soutine Luhuk
102 Malabari (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Malaska Hussonet
103 Malaco (Interprete) ma 09 ARGarg Interprete (Farnesio) Majadora Mutakddim
104 Martaline (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Miss Amor Roy
105 Mediaria (Put it Back) hz 09 ARGarg Put it Back (Honour and Glory) Intermediaria Roy
106 Mery Verse (Vision And Verse) hm 09 ARGarg Vision And Verse (Storm Cat) Mery Type Cameo Type
107 Minerbia (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Miss Kit Kitwood
108 Misamores (Interprete) hz 09 ARGarg Interprete (Farnesio) Melody Lady Parade Marshal
109 Miss Royana (Missionary) hz 09 ARGarg Missionary (Deputy Minister) Miss Roya Roy
110 Movado (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Miss Kity Kitwood
111 Nobilis (Shuttle Diplomacy) mm 09 ARGarg Shuttle Diplomacy (Seeking the Gold) Nominativa Ahmad
112 Nole The Djoker (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Top Mama Stormy Atlantic
113 Only Magic (Fairy Magic) ma 09 ARGarg Fairy Magic (Southern Halo) Solamente Tu Halo Sunshine
114 Paret (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Galana Louis Quatorze
115 Pasquale (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Platonica Confidential Talk
116 Peregrinita (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Miss Peregrina Numerous
117 Petriano (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Princesa Basca Prince Boy
118 Petroria (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Pulpa Fitz Fitzcarraldo
119 Petrorius (Alrassaam) mz 09 ARGarg Alrassaam (Zafonic) Propia Confidential Talk
120 Petrubia (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Pepper Girl Shy Tom
121 Plan The Mission (Missionary) ma 09 ARGarg Missionary (Deputy Minister) Plancheta Roy
122 Point de Vue (Lasting Approval) ht 09 ARGarg Lasting Approval (With Approval) Pauperrima Roy
123 Prunelli (Roman Ruler) ha 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Pesquera Green Desert
124 Pulita (Fairy Magic) ha 09 ARGarg Fairy Magic (Southern Halo) Ponderosa Noche Royal Roberto
125 Raimondo (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Rubeta Roy
126 Raspera (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Raspy Slew Gin Fizz
127 Rasperry (Shuttle Diplomacy) mm 09 ARGarg Shuttle Diplomacy (Seeking the Gold) Rain Magic All Of Me
128 Ravilla (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Ribalda Southern Halo
129 Ravina (Shuttle Diplomacy) ha 09 ARGarg Shuttle Diplomacy (Seeking the Gold) Rominilla Kitwood
130 Rayano (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Recova Kitwood
131 Regateador (Jamelao) mm 09 ARGarg Jamelao (Gem Master) Regatea Candy Stripes
132 Riofreddo (Roman Ruler) ma 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Realize Confidential Talk
133 Roman Red (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Romana-Red Turkoman
134 Romelio (Johannesburg) mz 09 ARGarg Johannesburg (Hennessy) Railway Cat Kitwood
135 Ronan (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Regina Belle Confidential Talk
136 Rossella (Aptitude) hc 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Replaying Confidential Talk
137 Ruggero (Aptitude) mzd 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Royal Cup Roy
138 Sassolini (Roman Ruler) ma 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) South Talk Confidential Talk
139 Sayimi (Aptitude) hzt 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Sayal Slew Gin Fizz
140 Secret Obsession (Missionary) ha 09 ARGarg Missionary (Deputy Minister) Secretary Roy
141 Senatella (Roman Ruler) ha 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Solar Rhythm Machiavellian
142 Sestina (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Sostenida Political Ambition
143 Sexy Halo (Southern Halo) mz 09 ARGarg Southern Halo (Halo) Sexy Stripes Candy Stripes
144 Shapira (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Semibreve Observatory
145 Si Me Amaras (Shuttle Diplomacy) hm 09 ARGarg Shuttle Diplomacy (Seeking the Gold) Swizzle Luhuk
146 Si Vieras (Not For Sale) mz 09 ARGarg Not For Sale (Parade Marshal) Stellify Southern Halo
147 Simbiotica (Missionary) hz 09 ARGarg Missionary (Deputy Minister) Silleta Roy
148 Simple Way (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Southern Hat Southern Halo
149 Slew The Roman (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Slew The Night Confidential Talk
150 Sonatino (Interprete) mz 09 ARGarg Interprete (Farnesio) Stunner Mutakddim
151 Super Apto (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Super Sister Parochial
152 Tacuyano (Roman Ruler) ma 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Tacanuya Southern Halo
153 Takara (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Tarsa Roy
154 Tamaringo (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Tamariu Engrillado
155 Tancreda (Roman Ruler) ha 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Tough Golda Tough Critic
156 Tarquinio (Interprete) mz 09 ARGarg Interprete (Farnesio) Trucha Roy
157 Tarsilia (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Trilogica Roy
158 Tartagine (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Tripartita Roy
159 Teodesia (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Taquera Candy Stripes
160 Todo Power (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Todopoderosa Roy
161 True Back (Put it Back) mm 09 ARGarg Put it Back (Honour and Glory) True Wooman Capote
162 Tullius (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Tizna Bid Us
163 Una Filosofa (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Lisona Victory Speech
164 Unica Apta (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Unique Sister Parochial
165 Urbania (Roman Ruler) hz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Urbanizada Confidential Talk
166 Vacheron II (Aptitude) hc 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Venturina Salt Lake
167 Vaguedad (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Valery Girl Kitwood
168 Vernazza (Alrassaam) hz 09 ARGarg Alrassaam (Zafonic) Vitella II Roy
169 Vigorso (Interprete) ma 09 ARGarg Interprete (Farnesio) Valfreda Roy
170 Wakayama (Aptitude) hz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Witness Pepenador
171 Werner (Aptitude) mz 09 ARGarg Aptitude (A.P. Indy) Wintering Roy
172 Western Lover (Lasting Approval) mz 09 ARGarg Lasting Approval (With Approval) Wild Lover Roy
173 What Pass (Shuttle Diplomacy) cc 09 ARGarg Shuttle Diplomacy (Seeking the Gold) Wha Roy
174 Wild Roman (Roman Ruler) mz 09 ARGarg Roman Ruler (Fusaichi Pegasus) Whang Confidential Talk
175 Wild View (Missionary) ma 09 ARGarg Missionary (Deputy Minister) Wild Fields View Distant View
176 Wrestling (Lasting Approval) m 09 ARGarg Lasting Approval (With Approval) Whiff Roy